Swing Locator!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We swing for Glory!

Our idea came from the removal of the previous swing due to damage, and possible vandalism. We felt we had to restore the swing because we were deeply moved by the nostalgia and memories of the previous swing. This inspired us to recreate the opportunity for memories, for the children, people and birds... just as the previous swing had for all of us.

Swings are neutral, they provide fun regardless of who we are!

The previous swing
Picture from: alex-lim.com

This time, we decided to paint the swing to add visual value and we hope, it will avoid the recurrence of any delibrate damage.


  1. Hi there...

    It is a great honour for you guys to use my photo for the blog. And I must says you guys did a great job in putting up a new swing on Broga Hill.

    Gambatte... :)


  2. Hey thanks, we really liked your picture, it summed up our feelings that we had of the first swing.. we realised that we mustn't take things for granted. We will keep putting up more swings! Let us know if you come across any of our swings (and its condition)hehe =D
