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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We swing for Glory!

Our idea came from the removal of the previous swing due to damage, and possible vandalism. We felt we had to restore the swing because we were deeply moved by the nostalgia and memories of the previous swing. This inspired us to recreate the opportunity for memories, for the children, people and birds... just as the previous swing had for all of us.

Swings are neutral, they provide fun regardless of who we are!

The previous swing
Picture from: alex-lim.com

This time, we decided to paint the swing to add visual value and we hope, it will avoid the recurrence of any delibrate damage.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Swinging in Broga

There is an art to living. Not simply breathing and making it through another day, but to live life with constant excitement and happiness. We've forgotten how to view the world with childlike wonder and appreciate the simple joys in life. Like the times you've cycled through the pouring rain without a care in the world, the times you got down on your hands and knees and dug the earth for worms or like the times you've raced to eat a melting ice cream as you sat on your favourite swing. As we grow older, we tend to forget the joys little things can bring us. And once in a while, if we're lucky enough, we come across a simple swing tied to a tree which helps remind us how to be happy again.

15th April 2011.

We depart Uni at 3:00pm with plenty of water and optimism.

Weather: Bright and sunny.

Mood: Deliriously happy and enthusiastic.

The ride: ZzzZzzzzzZzz....

The climb: Pumped up and rearing to go.

Installation: SUCCESS!

A big thanks to all the chirpy volunteers. More swings to put up. "If you build, they will come." =)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Broga Swing Replacement Project

Once in a while, a swing may be cut down and destroyed, a real tragedy for something with such high memory mapping qualities...

Here is where we come in and replace the swing and bring back memories of the Broga hill linked to the swing.

Our Cause

Our cause:
To challenge the culture of public space within our cities.

We believe that...
1. Everyone should not be deprived of childhood joys!
1. We always need more public spaces
2. Design is fun!

Swings = memories
Swings = fun times
Swings = for everyone